Tuesday, 17 September 2013

ProJect 1. Me, Myself & 1

                Have taken my Photo and drew by refering to it. Did it look like me? xD

Project 1B: Logo Design.

Design 1: 

Design 2:

         At first, i'm using design 1, but after i showed it to my lecturer, i changed my mind.
A good logo is what that represents you, your personality, and your characteristic, and is not to put your name in it. So, I changed to this Design 2 to be submitted.

The 1st design, there are actually my name in it. James TYJ. And if u look from right to left, you could find the word "Sexy" which i want to say that, architect is one of the most sexy career, and it's true, try google "the most sexy career" and you will know haha.

Whereas the 2nd design, I use it to represents my attitude towards archietcture. Notice the black dot, it's actually to be coloured to red, and represents the red sun. Sun gives energy, and it brings positive emotion to people. I'm using it to represents that, my architecture is focusing on the emotion of the people, and also their space. "Their space" is represented by the space i left white. The others is coloured in black. Black is a colour that could show elegancy, and mysterious. It's representing the building i designed, to be elegant, and it's shape represents that, my archietcture is dynamic, but yet it is standing firmly, and protecting the white space ( people)

So, basically this is what i did for my project 2. Thanks for reading!.

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